Friday, January 17, 2025

INDONESIA – INDONÉSIE Bali – Musique et Théâtre – Ocora OCR 60

Bali – Musique et Théâtre – Ocora OCR 60, recorded by Gilles Fresnais in 1971 (LP)

#Indonesia #Bali #gamelan #Ocora #Wayang Kulit #Gong Kebyar #Gabor #Gambuh theater #gongs #metallophones #cymbals #drums #suling flutes #Balinese #Java #Indonesian #traditional #world music #vinyl #MusicRepublic
#Indonesia #Bali #gamelan #Ocora #Wayang Kulit #Gong Kebyar #Gabor #Gambuh theater #gongs #metallophones #cymbals #drums #suling flutes #Balinese #Java #Indonesian #traditional #world music #vinyl #MusicRepublic
#Indonesia #Bali #gamelan #Ocora #Wayang Kulit #Gong Kebyar #Gabor #Gambuh theater #gongs #metallophones #cymbals #drums #suling flutes #Balinese #Java #Indonesian #traditional #world music #vinyl #MusicRepublic
#Indonesia #Bali #gamelan #Ocora #Wayang Kulit #Gong Kebyar #Gabor #Gambuh theater #gongs #metallophones #cymbals #drums #suling flutes #Balinese #Java #Indonesian #traditional #world music #vinyl #MusicRepublic
#Indonesia #Bali #gamelan #Ocora #Wayang Kulit #Gong Kebyar #Gabor #Gambuh theater #gongs #metallophones #cymbals #drums #suling flutes #Balinese #Java #Indonesian #traditional #world music #vinyl #MusicRepublic
#Indonesia #Bali #gamelan #Ocora #Wayang Kulit #Gong Kebyar #Gabor #Gambuh theater #gongs #metallophones #cymbals #drums #suling flutes #Balinese #Java #Indonesian #traditional #world music #vinyl #MusicRepublic
#Indonesia #Bali #gamelan #Ocora #Wayang Kulit #Gong Kebyar #Gabor #Gambuh theater #gongs #metallophones #cymbals #drums #suling flutes #Balinese #Java #Indonesian #traditional #world music #vinyl #MusicRepublic
#Indonesia #Bali #gamelan #Ocora #Wayang Kulit #Gong Kebyar #Gabor #Gambuh theater #gongs #metallophones #cymbals #drums #suling flutes #Balinese #Java #Indonesian #traditional #world music #vinyl #MusicRepublic
#Indonesia #Bali #gamelan #Ocora #Wayang Kulit #Gong Kebyar #Gabor #Gambuh theater #gongs #metallophones #cymbals #drums #suling flutes #Balinese #Java #Indonesian #traditional #world music #vinyl #MusicRepublic
#Indonesia #Bali #gamelan #Ocora #Wayang Kulit #Gong Kebyar #Gabor #Gambuh theater #gongs #metallophones #cymbals #drums #suling flutes #Balinese #Java #Indonesian #traditional #world music #vinyl #MusicRepublic

Balinese gamelans produce a musical resonance that can be intense or haunting, bell-like or pulsing with an insistent, quasi-electronic sound. This exquisite album, released on the legendary first Ocora series, captures all the nuance and drama of ensembles that accompany the traditional performances of Wayang Kulit shadow puppet theater (A1), classical pantomime by masked dancers (A2), Gabor dances (A3), and Gambuh theater (Side B). The orchestras recorded here range from small four-man ensembles (A1) to larger ones (A2, A3, Side B) with multiple metallophones, gongs, cymbals, mallet-beaten drums, vocals, and, on Side B, six stunning, otherworldly, and incredibly modern-sounding suling flutes.


Les gamelans balinais produisent une résonance musicale intense ou lancinante, ainsi que des pulsations métalliques à la sonorité insistante, quasi électronique. Cet album, paru sur la légendaire première série Ocora, présente toutes les nuances et la théâtralité des ensembles qui accompagnent les spectacles traditionnels du théâtre d'ombres Wayang Kulit (A1), de la pantomime classique de danseurs masqués (A2), des danses Gabor (A3) et du théâtre Gambuh (face B). Les orchestres enregistrés ici vont de petits ensembles de quatre musiciens (A1) à des ensembles plus importants (A2, A3, face B) comprenant de multiples métallophones, gongs, cymbales, tambours à maillets, chants et, sur la face B, six étonnantes flûtes suling au son éthéré et incroyablement moderne.

A1 – Gender Wayang

Gamelan music used to accompany Wayang Kulit shadow puppet theater and certain religious ceremonies. Performed by the smallest gamelan ensemble of four musicians;

Recorded in Pliatan, Bali, July 1971;


A2 – Topeng Arsa Widjaja

Gamelan Gong Kebyar used to accompany classical pantomime performed by masked dancers; the ensemble includes metallophones, gongs, cymbals, mallet-beaten drums and a singer who narrates the story;

Recorded in Denpasar, Bali, August 1971;


A3 – Gabor

The Gabor dance was originally a ritual temple dance. Here, four young women dance; same ensemble as above;

Recorded in Denpasar, Bali, August 1971;


B1 – Gamelan Gambuh (opening scene)

B2 – Gamelan Gambuh (main scene)

B3 – Gamelan Gambuh (final scene)

The Gambuh Theater from Java was first introduced to Bali in the 14th century. Here, singers and actors tell legendary stories and adventures of the legendary Prince Panji in the 13th century;

The Orchestra of Batuan features six suling flutes, a rebab bowed lute, a hanging gong, two small kajar gongs, two drums and small rinchick cymbals and singers;

Recorded in Batuan, Bali, July 1971.




More Balinese music:

Bali – Paradis des Iles de la Sonde – Disques Alvarès LD 113 here

Musik in Asien II – Südost- & Ostasien – BM 30 SL 5107 here

Javanese Wayang Kulit shadow puppet theatre music
Java – Glagah Wangi Gamelan – Une Nuit de Wayang Kulit / Légende de Wahju Tjakraningrat – CBS 65440 here

Vintage postcard of a Baris dancer, Bali:

MusicRepublic – INDONESIA – INDONÉSIE Bali – Musique et Théâtre – Ocora OCR 60

Vintage postcard of a Legong dancer, Bali:

MusicRepublic – INDONESIA – INDONÉSIE Bali – Musique et Théâtre – Ocora OCR 60

Vintage postcard of a Terompong dance, Bali:

MusicRepublic – INDONESIA – INDONÉSIE Bali – Musique et Théâtre – Ocora OCR 60

Please help me purchase important traditional records to 

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  1. Amazing, always especially grateful for any Gamelan!

  2. Thanks! Old gamelan recordings always great to hear.
