Wednesday, July 10, 2019

INDONESIA Bali – Paradis des Iles de la Sonde – Disques Alvarès LD 113

Bali – Paradis des Iles de la Sonde – Disques Alvarès LD 113, recorded by Merry Ottin and Alban Bensa (LP)
#Indonesia #Bali #gamelan #traditional music #Kecak #Ramayana Monkey Chant #vinyl #world music

#Indonesia #Bali #gamelan #traditional music #Kecak #Ramayana Monkey Chant #vinyl #world music

#Indonesia #Bali #gamelan #traditional music #Kecak #Ramayana Monkey Chant #vinyl #world music

#Indonesia #Bali #gamelan #traditional music #Kecak #Ramayana Monkey Chant #vinyl #world music

After sharing several albums from Java, we now present the music from the nearby island of Bali, which often accompanies dances, traditional religious ceremonies and drama. Although the two islands share similar cultural traits their famed gamelan music are markedly different. Javanese gamelan music ensembles sound more atmospheric and contemplative compared with their Balinese counterparts, which feature faster tempos, frequent abrupt changes in volume and tempo, and dense and abstract orchestral compositions with little room for instrumental improvisation.

This particularly inspired LP on the great Disques Alvarès label features a stunning recording of the spectacular Kecak Ramayana Monkey Chant (A2/also see photograph below), and gamelan ensembles to accompany dances (A1, A3, B1, B5, B6), drama (B2-B4) and a cremation procession (A4) with occasional flutes and voices.

Après avoir partagé plusieurs albums de musique de Java, nous présentons maintenant la musique de l'île voisine de Bali, qui accompagne souvent la danse, les cérémonies religieuses traditionnelles et du théâtre. Bien que les deux îles partagent des traits culturels similaires, leur célèbre musique de gamelan est très différente. Les ensembles de gamelan javanais produisent une musique plus atmosphérique et contemplative que celle de leurs homologues balinais, caractérisée par des tempos plus rapides, de fréquents et brusques changements de volume et de tempo avec des compositions orchestrales denses et abstraites laissant peu de place à l’improvisation instrumentale.

Ce disque particulièrement inspiré du formidable label Disques Alvarès présente un étonnant enregistrement du spectaculaire Kecak ou chant du "singe en transe" – une danse d'exorcisme basée sur une histoire tirée du Ramayana. Les cris et gestes d'une centaine d'hommes torse nu portant une fleur rouge à l'oreille droite créent a l'unisson dans les esprits un puissant élan de solidarité qui éloignera le Malin (A2 / voir photo ci-dessous). Les autres morceaux sont jou
és par des ensembles de gamelan pour accompagner des danses (A1, A3, B1, B5, B6), du théâtre ( B2-B4) et une procession funéraire de crémation (A4).

Kecak Ramayana Monkey Chant:

Our Java gamelan posts:
Gamelan Garland - Gamelan Kjai Kanjut Mesem/Mangkunagaran Surakarta (1968) here
Gamelan Kjahi Kaduk, Manis Rengga - Gamelan Music from Java (1963) here
Musique de Java - L'Ecole de Loka Wangi (1971) here
Sunda – Gamelan Degung directed by Enip Sukanda (1972) here

The photograph below is from Sacred Dance – Encounter with the Gods by Marie-Gabrielle Woslen, Thames & Hudson, 1974:

Inside the temple a large group of bare-chested men, each wearing a red flower on his right ear, form a circle around an oil lamp to perform a nighttime Kecak Monkey Chant – a trance-inducing exorcism dance with continuous rhythmic chanting ("chak ke-chak") based on a story from the Hindu Ramayana. The singing and movements performed in unison create a powerful collective energy to ward off the Evil Spirit.    

MusicRepublic INDONESIA – INDONÉSIE Bali – Paradis des Iles de la Sonde – Disques Alvarès LD 113

Please help me purchase important traditional records to pursue my global curation project and share the best finds with you on this blog:


  1. Thank you so much! Do you think you can find Merry Ottin's recordings on Sundanese music (West Java) ? Java Pays Sounda - Alvarès La boîte à musique LD 110 So beautiful moving music... Thank you again :)

    1. My pleasure. Yes, I have this excellent record which I also plan to share. Another Disques Alvarès gem.

    2. So, it's great. Soon happy again. Have a nice day.

    3. Hello Dearest friend, Please, I hope you'll find the time to post this wonderful record. Best regards

    4. Thanks for reminding me. I'll share Ottin's West Java recordings shortly.

  2. Simply brilliant, thanks!

  3. Almighty Jesus, this is the most outrageously expressive folk music i have ever encountered! Beautiful. This will leave a scar in my soul. Thank you once again.
