Tuesday, August 13, 2024

KURDISH – KURDE Kurdish Music – A Musical Anthology of the Orient – Bärenteiter-Musicaphon – BM 30 SL 2028


Kurdish Music – A Musical Anthology of the Orient – Bärenteiter-Musicaphon – BM 30 SL 2028, recorded by M. Kendal in Armenia (LP)

#Kurd #Kurdish #kurde #Turkey #Syria #Iraq #Iran #Armenia #blur flute #duduk #zurna #tenbur lute #traditional music #world music #love songs #Unesco #Kendal Nezan #Bärenteiter-Musicaphon #folk #vinyl #MusicRepublic
#Kurd #Kurdish #kurde #Turkey #Syria #Iraq #Iran #Armenia #blur flute #duduk #zurna #tenbur lute #traditional music #world music #love songs #Unesco #Kendal Nezan #Bärenteiter-Musicaphon #folk #vinyl #MusicRepublic
#Kurd #Kurdish #kurde #Turkey #Syria #Iraq #Iran #Armenia #blur flute #duduk #zurna #tenbur lute #traditional music #world music #love songs #Unesco #Kendal Nezan #Bärenteiter-Musicaphon #folk #vinyl #MusicRepublic
#Kurd #Kurdish #kurde #Turkey #Syria #Iraq #Iran #Armenia #blur flute #duduk #zurna #tenbur lute #traditional music #world music #love songs #Unesco #Kendal Nezan #Bärenteiter-Musicaphon #folk #vinyl #MusicRepublic
#Kurd #Kurdish #kurde #Turkey #Syria #Iraq #Iran #Armenia #blur flute #duduk #zurna #tenbur lute #traditional music #world music #love songs #Unesco #Kendal Nezan #Bärenteiter-Musicaphon #folk #vinyl #MusicRepublic

An estimated 40 million ethnic Kurds currently live in Türkiye (Turkey), Syria, Iraq, Iran and Armenia. Historically, Kurdish minorities have often had to fight for their culture, especially during recent periods in Iraq and Türkiye when Kurdish language, culture and music were banned.


Kendal Nezan (b. 1949) presents this record as a panorama of the diversity of Kurdish music from Türkiye, Syria, Iraq and Armenia (the music of Iranian Kurds was not included here). However, there is no precise indication of where these recordings were made.


This essential anthology presents the rich Kurdish musical tradition with its own distinctive character, featuring vocals, the blur shepherd’s flute (A3, B3), the double-reed duduk (A1, A2, A4, A6, A7, B1, B2, B5, B8), the double-reed zirne (zurna) oboe (B7) and the Kurdish short-necked tenbur lute (A5, A8, B5, B6). These poetic songs, which sometimes accompany regional dances, touch on a variety of themes including love, melancholy, the pain of separation, exile, folktales and legends.


On estime à 40 millions le nombre de Kurdes vivant actuellement en Turquie, en Syrie, en Irak, en Iran et en Arménie. Historiquement, les minorités kurdes ont souvent dû se battre pour leur culture, notamment à certaines périodes récentes en Irak et en Turquie où la langue, la culture et la musique kurdes ont été interdites.


Kendal Nezan (né en 1949) présente ce disque comme un panorama de la diversité de la musique kurde de Turquie, de Syrie, d'Irak et d'Arménie (sans la musique des Kurdes iraniens). Cependant, peu d'informations sont fournies sur les lieux où ces enregistrements ont été réalisés.


Cette anthologie essentielle présente la riche tradition musicale kurde, avec des voix, les flûtes de berger blur (A3, B3), des duduks à anches doubles (A1, A2, A4, A6, A7, B1, B2, B5, B8), un hautbois zirne (zurna) à anches doubles (B7) et des luths tenbur à manche court (A5, A8, B5, B6). Ces musiques poétiques, qui accompagnent parfois des danses régionales, abordent des thèmes variés tels que l'amour, la mélancolie, la douleur de la séparation, l'exil, les contes et les légendes.

A1 – Gulè Mahrume (Poor Gule)

Egitê Cimo (duduk) and unknown second duduk player.


A2 – Ehmedo Roni (Ehmedo – My Light)

Female vocals and duduk.


A3 – Xece U Siyamend (love song)

Şamilê Beko (blur flute).


A4 – Miho (love song)

Fatima Isa (vocals) and duduk.


A5 – Le Gulè (O Rose) dance

Ezeddin Temo (vocals and tenbur).


A6 – Bedewè (Splendid woman)

Şeroyê Biro (vocals) and duduk.


A7 – Qeydé Neriya (Song of the goats)

Egitê Cimo (duduk) and unknown second duduk player.


A8 – Sisile (Epic song)

Aramê Tigran (tenbur) and Memoyê Silo (vocals).


B1 – Naziye (dance) 

Old song from the Tigris plain;

XelÎîlê Evdile (duduk).


B2 – Ciya Bilind In (The mountains are high)

Şewabê Esed (vocals) and duduk.


B3 – Blur Solo

Şamilê Beko (blur flute).


B4 – Berivane (The milkmaid of the sheep)

Efoyê Esed (vocals).


B5 – Bave Seyro

XelÎîlê Evdile (duduk) and Aramê Tigran (tenbur).


B6 – Were Teli (Come O Teli)

Song from the Kurdish-speaking Yezidis;

Aramê Tigran (tenbur) and Memoyê Silo (vocals).


B7 – Gava Zeryam Nisan Kirin (When we celebrated my engagement with my blonde)

Song popular with Armenian Kurds;

CecÎîl Û Samko (zurna and daf).


B8 – Xezalé (O My Gazelle)

Mizare Egit (vocals) Egitê Cimo (duduk).


Our other Kurdish music post:
Musique Populaire du Kurdistan - Chants d'Amour - Disques Alvarès 812 here

#Kurd #Kurdish #kurde #Turkey #Syria #Iraq #Iran #Armenia #blur flute #duduk #zurna #tenbur lute #traditional music #world music #love songs #Unesco #Kendal Nezan #Bärenteiter-Musicaphon #folk #vinyl #MusicRepublic

#Kurd #Kurdish #kurde #Turkey #Syria #Iraq #Iran #Armenia #blur flute #duduk #zurna #tenbur lute #traditional music #world music #love songs #Unesco #Kendal Nezan #Bärenteiter-Musicaphon #folk #vinyl #MusicRepublic

The popular Kurdish singer Ayşe Şan (1938-1996) from Türkiye singing 

Yüzüğun Taşı Elmas (The Stone of the Ring is Diamond):

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