Monday, October 2, 2023

ROMANIA – ROUMANIE Mihály Halmágyi – Gyimesi Népzene (Hungarian Folk Music from Gyimes) – Hungaroton – SLPX 18145


Mihály Halmágyi with Gizella Ádám – Gyimesi Népzene (Hungarian Folk Music from Gyimes) – Hungaroton – SLPX 18145, 1988 (LP)

#Romania #Roumanie #Hungary #Hongrie # Magyarország #Mihály Halmágyi #Gizella Ádám #gardon #violon #dance #music #danse #musique #folk #Csángó #Gyimes #traditional #world #village music #vinyl #MusicRepublic
#Romania #Roumanie #Hungary #Hongrie # Magyarország #Mihály Halmágyi #Gizella Ádám #gardon #violon #dance #music #danse #musique #folk #Csángó #Gyimes #traditional #world #village music #vinyl #MusicRepublic
#Romania #Roumanie #Hungary #Hongrie # Magyarország #Mihály Halmágyi #Gizella Ádám #gardon #violon #dance #music #danse #musique #folk #Csángó #Gyimes #traditional #world #village music #vinyl #MusicRepublic
#Romania #Roumanie #Hungary #Hongrie # Magyarország #Mihály Halmágyi #Gizella Ádám #gardon #violon #dance #music #danse #musique #folk #Csángó #Gyimes #traditional #world #village music #vinyl #MusicRepublic
#Romania #Roumanie #Hungary #Hongrie # Magyarország #Mihály Halmágyi #Gizella Ádám #gardon #violon #dance #music #danse #musique #folk #Csángó #Gyimes #traditional #world #village music #vinyl #MusicRepublic

I am delighted to present a remarkable LP of Hungarian folk music performed by Mihály Halmágyi on violin and his wife Gizella Ádám on the ancient percussive four-string gardon cello where strings are plucked and beaten using a stick. She also sings on A5.


The couple hails from Gyimes (or Ghimeș), a village located in Bacău County in the Western Moldavia region in Eastern Romania, home to the Csángós, a Hungarian minority group in Romania, who have preserved their language and rich, time-honored traditional culture, which includes music, dance and handicrafts for which they are renowned.


Halmágyi's and Ádám's brilliant, precise, and dynamic playing weaves spirited and raw dance tunes with complex, sophisticated lyrical musings that at times delve into introspection and abstraction. Their artistry is a true testament to the vitality of Csángó folklore of old.


J'ai le plaisir de vous présenter ce remarquable disque de musique folklorique hongroise interprété par Mihály Halmágyi au violon et sa femme Gizella Ádám au violoncelle percussif gardon, dont les quatre cordes sont pincées et frappées à l'aide d'un bâton. Elle chante également sur A5.


Le couple est originaire de Gyimes (ou Ghimeș), un village situé dans le département de Bacău, dans la région de Moldavie occidentale, dans l'est de la Roumanie, où vivent les Csángós, une minorité hongroise de Roumanie, qui a su préserver sa langue et sa riche culture ancestrale, qui comprend la musique, la danse et l'artisanat qui font leur renommée.


Le jeu brillant, précis et dynamique de Mihály Halmágyi et de Gizella Ádám tisse des airs de danse bruts et pleins d’entrain, avec des envolées lyriques complexes et sophistiquées qui touchent par moments à l'introspection et à l’abstraction. Leur art est un véritable témoignage de la vitalité du folklore Csángó d’antant.


A1 – Lassú És Sebes Magyaros (Kezdő) / Slow and Swift Hungarian Dances (Opening) 

A2 – Sebes Csárdás / Swift Csárdás 

A3 – Lassú És Sebes Magyaros (Hajnali) / Slow and Swift Hungarian Dances (Morning)

A4 – Kettős Jártatója És Sirülője (Sürüleje) / Walking and Fast Couple Dances 

A5 – Egyszer Egy Kicsi Madár (Keserves) / Once a Little Bird (Lament) 

A6 – Kerekes / Round Dance 


B1 Lakodalmas Dallamok / Wedding Songs:

B1a – Rákóczi Mars (Csángó Rákóczi) / Rákóczi March 

B1b – Csárdás 

B1c – Lassú Magyaros És Sebes Csárdás / Slow Hungarian Dance & Swift Csárdás 

B1d – Lakodalmi Mars / Wedding March 

B1e – Amikor Mennek a Tyúk Után (Elment A Tyúk) / When the Hen is Followed (The Hen Went Wandering) 

B1f – Héjsza / The Chase 


B2 – Elvesztette a Pásztor a Juhait  / The Shepherd Lost His Sheep 


B3 Gyászszertartás Dallamai / Funeral Rite Songs: 

B3a – Halott Mellett Való Keserves / Lament at the Bedside of the Deceased 

B3b – Táncnóta (Lassú Magyaros) / Dance Tune (Slow Hungarian Dance) 

B3c – Halottkisérő / Funeral Ceremony Tune 


Many thanks to Joāo for sharing his collection of Hungarian music, including this gem!

Please help me purchase important traditional records 

to pursue my global curation project and 

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  1. Hello
    File name is FAR too long to unzip in Windows. Please give ZIP file and all files therein much shorter names
    Thanks Louis

    1. Thanks for your feedback Louis. I want to embed as much written info as possible in the audio files, but I've experienced issues with long names in Windows as you mentioned (I'm a Mac user on my end). I'll bear that in mind for future posts

  2. Yes its a problem with Windows, filenames (including the full path) cannot officially be longer than 255 characters. But there is no limit on the name of the track in the header for each audio FLAC file (as far as I am aware). Its just that on some Windows machines its simply impossible to unzip the files. It asks you to rename them but the users can't do that (at least with the unzippers I use), so I couldn't unzip the graphics files onto my laptop.
    Thanks for all your efforts to keep the music going. I knew Axel Elbin through many emails and met him once, a year before he died. Together with some others we managed to archive his entire blog and continue to make all the downloads available to the public. His blog was a remarkable effort to save huge amounts music from India and the middle East from obscurity.
    Best wishes Louis

  3. Hi Louis, thanks again for helping out. I just re-uploaded the MP3 and Flac files with a shortened title which will hopefully solve the issues you found with downloading the files on Windows. If you could kindly check on your side that the new MP3 and Flac files now download correctly and revert back to me to confirm that the issue is resolved.

    Thanks to you and your friends the music and visuals on Tawfiq’s great blog – can presently be downloaded on following his death in 2019. He inspired me to start my own blog and always encouraged me from the very start.
