Thursday, October 6, 2022

IRAN Music from Baluchestan – Mirror and Song – Cassette 11


Music from Baluchestan – Mirror and Song – Cassette 11 – from a collection of 28 cassettes of regional and religious music from Iran, recorded in 1994

#Iran #Baluchestan #Balochistan #Baluchistan # Mirror and Song # Dhikrs # Gwati #Guati #Qalandari #ceremony #healing #ritual #tambourak # ghichak # sorud ## cassette #traditional music #world music #Tawfiq # oriental-traditional-music.blogspot #MusicRepublic 

Originally posted by Tawfiq, who passed away in April 2019, on his great blog on September 24, 2016.



Side A:

Music from Chabahar - Baluchestan

Dhikrs of Gwati ceremonies

Shahmir Baluch Maldari (Vocal & Tambourak & Leader of the ceremony)

Ali Mohammad Baluch (Ghichak (Sorud))

Eyduk Razmi (Tambourak)

Chalokparvar (Vocal - Qasidah)

Side B:

Music Gwati from Beluchestan

Ali Mohammad Beluch (Sorud (Ghichak))

 Eyduk Razmi (Tambourak)


"Music of Guati ceremonies or Qalandari-Guâti music. Guati (or Qalandari-guati) music is specific to the ceremonies of healing the person who is possessed by a supernatural being, and shows symptoms of sickness. Baluchi people interpret the healing process as follows: a person (most of the time a woman) becomes sick and all the efforts of the traditional healer and mollah to cure her are in vain. Patient's relatives, after trying all the possible ways of treatment - and becoming disappointed - take her to a spirit expert (or khalife). These spirits are guats, djins and paries that disturb people for some reasons and make them sick. If someone is possessed by one of these creatures, the only solution is talking to guat and persuading him to let the possessed person alone. In order to do that, a healing ceremony must be held, where music plays an important role." 

Jean During's booklet: Regional Music of Iran 9 - Qalandari Music of Baluchistan, Mahoor, M.CD-181 (2005).


#Iran #Baluchestan #Balochistan #Baluchistan # Mirror and Song # Dhikrs # Gwati #Guati #Qalandari #ceremony #healing #ritual #tambourak # ghichak # sorud ## cassette #traditional music #world music #Tawfiq # oriental-traditional-music.blogspot #MusicRepublic
#Iran #Baluchestan #Balochistan #Baluchistan # Mirror and Song # Dhikrs # Gwati #Guati #Qalandari #ceremony #healing #ritual #tambourak # ghichak # sorud ## cassette #traditional music #world music #Tawfiq # oriental-traditional-music.blogspot #MusicRepublic


A double CD released in Iran in 2012 includes the music on this cassette with better sound quality on CD 2 and Gwati (Guati) music on CD 1. The set includes a detailed booklet in Farsi and English by Mohammad Reza Darvishi. 

#Iran #Baluchestan #Balochistan #Baluchistan # Mirror and Song # Dhikrs # Gwati #Guati #Qalandari #ceremony #healing #ritual #tambourak # ghichak # sorud ## cassette #traditional music #world music #Tawfiq # oriental-traditional-music.blogspot #MusicRepublic

The photograph below is from Music and Musical Instruments in the World of Islam by Jean Jenkins and Paul Rovsing Olsen, Horniman Museum, London, World of Islam Festival 1976:

Playing the satara (two duct flutes) to accompany Baluch singing:

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  1. an exceptional record. absolutely sumptuous. thank you very much. Irodouer

  2. Thank you for keeping alive Tawfiq’s precious heritage collection. I was a bit late so I appreciate you sharing the music with us. متشکرم
