Wednesday, May 11, 2022

TIBET (CHINA) – INDIA Gyuto Tantric University – Chants Secrets des Lamas Tibétains – Dewatshang DEW 1


Gyuto Tantric University – Chants Secrets des Lamas Tibétains – Dewatshang DEW 1, 1986 (Cassette)

#Tibet #Gyuto Tantric University # Jetsun Kunga Dhondup #Gelug #drones #throat-singing #bouddhiques #Buddhist #monks #chants #moine #Padmasambhava #harmonics #polyphonics #tantra #ritual #invocation #offering #traditional music #world music #Tibetan music #cassette # Sidhbari near Dharamsala #MusicRepublic
#Tibet #Gyuto Tantric University # Jetsun Kunga Dhondup #Gelug #drones #throat-singing #bouddhiques #Buddhist #monks #chants #moine #Padmasambhava #harmonics #polyphonics #tantra #ritual #invocation #offering #traditional music #world music #Tibetan music #cassette # Sidhbari near Dharamsala #MusicRepublic
#Tibet #Gyuto Tantric University # Jetsun Kunga Dhondup #Gelug #drones #throat-singing #bouddhiques #Buddhist #monks #chants #moine #Padmasambhava #harmonics #polyphonics #tantra #ritual #invocation #offering #traditional music #world music #Tibetan music #cassette # Sidhbari near Dharamsala #MusicRepublic
#Tibet #Gyuto Tantric University # Jetsun Kunga Dhondup #Gelug #drones #throat-singing #bouddhiques #Buddhist #monks #chants #moine #Padmasambhava #harmonics #polyphonics #tantra #ritual #invocation #offering #traditional music #world music #Tibetan music #cassette # Sidhbari near Dharamsala #MusicRepublic

The Gyuto Tantric University, founded by Jetsun Kunga Dhondup in Lhasa, Tibet, in 1475, is a major tantric institution of the Buddhist Gelug Order. In 1959, Gyoto monks fled the political upheaval in Tibet with the Dalai Lama and took refuge in northern India. They established their monastery in Tenzin Gang, Arunachal Pradesh, before settling in Sidhbari, near Dharamsala, Himachal Pradesh.  


In addition to teaching Tantric meditation, ritual arts and Buddhist philosophy, Gyuto monks are known for their unique six-century-old overtone singing tradition performed during sacred tantric practices and invocations.  


These riveting recordings – featuring a Yamantaka Mandala Initiation Chant (A1), a Chant of All Sources of Wealth Containing the Very Essence of All Tantra (A2) and offering chants (B1-B2) – present remarkable deep drone-like low-harmonic chants and overtone throat singing, as each monk can vocalize several notes at once. The intense vibration of this timeless transcendent spiritual music is a true universal treasure.  

La Gyuto Tantric University fondée en 1475 par Jetsun Kunga Dhondup à Lhassa, au Tibet, est une institution tantrique majeure de l'Ordre monastique bouddhiste Gelug. En 1959, des moines Gyuto fuient les bouleversements politiques au Tibet avec le Dalaï Lama pour se réfugier dans le nord de l'Inde. Ils y établissent le monastère de Tenzin Gang dans l'Arunachal Pradesh, avant de s'installer à Sidhbari, près de Dharamsala, dans l'Himachal Pradesh.


En plus d'enseigner la méditation tantrique, les arts rituels et la philosophie bouddhiste, les moines Gyuto sont connus pour leur tradition de chants harmoniques vieille de six siècles exécutés lors de pratiques et d'invocations tantriques sacrées.


Ces enregistrements fascinants – comprenant un Chant d'Initiation du Mandala de Yamantaka (A1), un Chant de toutes les sources de richesses contenant l’essence même de tous les Tantra (A2) et des chants d'offrandes (B1-B2) – présentent des chants bouddhistes très graves avec des harmoniques profondes semblable à des bourdons, où chaque moine peut vocaliser plusieurs notes à la fois. Cette musique spirituelle et transcendantale intemporelle aux vibrations intenses est un véritable trésor universel.



Many thanks to our friend João for sharing this wonderful cassette!

Our other Tibetan music posts
Folk Music From Tibet Vol. 2  Albatros VPA 8449 here
Le Message des Tibétains  Musique Sacrée Tibétaine - BAM LD 5731 here

Photographs below are from The Realm of Tibetan Buddhism by Li Jicheng, China Books & Periodicals, San Francisco, 1985, & vintage postcards:

Padmasambhava  the legendary Indian Buddhist mystic who brought Tantric Buddhism to Tibet in the 8th century  is sometimes visualised as a rainbow during meditation. The Rainbow Body is also a level of realization in the Dzogchen tradition. Sagya Monastery:

MusicRepublic – INDIA Gyuto Tantric University – Chants Secrets des Lamas Tibétains – Dewatshang DEW 1

Vajrapani – standing on a lotus in a warrior pose – is one of the eight great bodhisattvas of Vajrayana, Tibet, China, 15th century:

MusicRepublic – INDIA Gyuto Tantric University – Chants Secrets des Lamas Tibétains – Dewatshang DEW 1

Praying in front of the Potala Palace, the winter palace of the Dalai Lama, Lhasa, Tibet, China:

MusicRepublic – INDIA Gyuto Tantric University – Chants Secrets des Lamas Tibétains – Dewatshang DEW 1

Please help me purchase important traditional records to pursue my global 

curation project and share the best finds with you on this blog:


  1. Tibet is Tibet, China is China. The neo-colonial policy of the majority Han Chinese governement in Beijing is committing cultural genocide in Tibet, and Tien Shan - Uyghurstan (chinese:Xinjiang) Please do not support their tactics of nomenclative appropriation. Thank you for your great work on this blog.
