Wednesday, June 10, 2020

TAIWAN Polyphonies Vocales des Aborigènes de Taiwan – Inédit W 460011

Polyphonies Vocales des Aborigènes de Taiwan – Ami / Bunun / Paiwan / Rukai – Inédit W 460011, recorded by Pr Lu Pin-Chuan (1966) and Pierre Simonin (1988) (Cassette)
#Taiwan #indigenous #people #peuple #Ami #Bunun #Paiwan #Rukai #vocal music #polyphony #drone #harmonics #healing song #ancestors #Maison des Cultures du Monde #shamanism #millet #fertility song #invocation #marriage songs #autochtones #culte des ancêtres #deities #ritual #ceremony #Formosa #traditional music #world music #cassette
#Taiwan #indigenous #people #peuple #Ami #Bunun #Paiwan #Rukai #vocal music #polyphony #drone #harmonics #healing song #ancestors #Maison des Cultures du Monde #shamanism #millet #fertility song #invocation #marriage songs #autochtones #culte des ancêtres #deities #ritual #ceremony #Formosa #traditional music #world music  #cassette
#Taiwan #indigenous #people #peuple #Ami #Bunun #Paiwan #Rukai #vocal music #polyphony #drone #harmonics #healing song #ancestors #Maison des Cultures du Monde #shamanism #millet #fertility song #invocation #marriage songs #autochtones #culte des ancêtres #deities #ritual #ceremony #Formosa #traditional music #world music  #cassette

The indigenous people of Taiwan have lived on the island for over five millennia. The ten remaining tribes, which live alongside the Chinese Han majority (that began immigrating to the island from mainland China in the 17th century), share a strong sense of community. Each of the tribes has its own language, customs and belief systems, which revolve around the cult of the ancestors, annual fertility rites, deities and shamanism.

These stunning and inspired vocal polyphonies featuring fascinating drones and harmonics are performed by the Ami from the western coastal plains, the Bunun from the Central Mountain Range; and the Paiwan-Rukai from the Southern mountains. They include work songs (A1-A3, A5-A7), an abstract millet fertility song (B5), a hunting song (B1), a song for the ancestors (A4), healing, invocation and shamanic songs (A9, A10, B2), a drinking song (A8) and seduction and marriage songs (B6-B9).

Les peuples autochtones de Taiwan vivent sur l'île depuis plus de cinq millénaires. Les dix tribus restantes – qui vivent aux côtés des chinois Han majoritaires qui ont commencé à immigrer sur l'île depuis la Chine continentale au XVIIe siècle – ont tous un sens aigu de la communauté et de la solidarité. Chacune des tribus a sa propre langue, ses coutumes et ses systèmes de croyances, centrées autour du culte des ancêtres, des rites de fertilité annuels, des divinités et du chamanisme.

Ces polyphonies vocales étonnantes et inspirées, avec des harmoniques et des bourdons fascinants, sont chantées ici par des Ami des plaines côtières occidentales, des Bunun de la chaîne de montagnes centrale; et des Paiwan-Rukai des montagnes du Sud. Elle comprennent des chants de travail (A1-A3, A5-A7), un chant de fertilité du mil abstrait (B5), un chant de chasse (B1), un chant pour les ancêtres (A4), des chants de guérison, d'invocation et chamaniques (A9, A10, B2 ), une chanson à boire (A8) et des chansons de séduction et de mariage (B6-B9).

Ami People
A1 & A2 – Weeding Song
A3 – Harvest Song
A4 – Song for the Ancestors
A5 & A6 – Weeding Song
A7 – Foundation Song

Bunun People
A8 – Drinking Song
A9 – Healing Song
A10 – Invocation Song
B1 – Hunting Song
B2 – Shaman Meeting Song
B3 – Victory Song
B4 – Nostalgic Song
B5 – Millet Germination Song

Paiwan People
B6 & B7 – Seduction Song
B8 – Mariage Song

Rukai People
B9 – Mariage Song

Field recordings in Taiwan by Pr Lu Pin-Chuan, 1966 (A1, A3, A5-A10, B8-B9)
Recorded at Maison des Cultures du Monde, Paris, by Pierre Simonin, May 26-29 1988 (A2, A4, B1-B7)

A fantastic Bunun polyphonic harvest song from the essential Voices of the World An Anthology of Vocal Expression Le Chant du Monde 3-CD compilation, 1996:

The French Inédit label created in 1985 by Maison des Cultures du Monde (World Cultures Institute), Paris, released over 70 outstanding albums of authentic traditional music from around the world.

Photographs below from vintage postcards of Taiwan's indigenous people:

MusicRepublic TAIWAN Polyphonies Vocales des Aborigènes de Taiwan – Inédit W 460011

MusicRepublic TAIWAN Polyphonies Vocales des Aborigènes de Taiwan – Inédit W 460011

MusicRepublic TAIWAN Polyphonies Vocales des Aborigènes de Taiwan – Inédit W 460011

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curation project and share the best finds with you on this blog:


  1. Wooh, that's the sample from that Enigma-song! Amazing to finally hear the source. It's way more beautiful than that cheesy pop song.

    1. Very much so. Somebody just pointed this out to me and I heard Enigma's unremarkable "Return to Innocence" which uses a sample taken from track A1 for the first time.

    2. I've been familiar with this sampling story for quite some time. Just to add a little bit - there are some various compilations that are focused to reveal sample source of 'well-known' pieces of pop culture (among 'who sampled who' et cetera). It's much needed to praise the original artist in these days although sometimes it requires quite some effort and time invested (not so many artists quote the source).

      Nevertheless to say, it's always gratifying to appreciate that spontaneous moment when the origin was/is born or even BE PART of that MOMENT.

  2. Really great music. Only heard a bit from these tribes' choral work on a CD compilation from Le Chant du Monde years ago. Thank you!

    1. Absolutely Ernst, it's fascinating music with a unique flavour and signature. I actually featured a fabulous track to listen to from the out-of-print An Anthology of Vocal Expression – Le Chant du Monde 3-CD compilation you mentioned. I will also share a few more vintage tracks of indigenous Taiwanese music in a future post.

  3. Hi! My name is Gerta. I'm from Taiwan. My team is working on a project about Taiwan aboriginal music before 1990. Your website is really helpful to us! May I reach you via email?

    1. Hi Gerta, you can contact me with great pleasure here:
