Wednesday, January 31, 2018

MOROCCO – MAROC Aissaoua – Club du Disque Arabe CDA 301 – MC 647

Aissaoua – Club du Disque Arabe CDA 301 – MC 647 (Cassette).
Music Sufi brotherhood  musique de la confrérie soufi ceremony trance ritual healing

Music Sufi brotherhood  musique de la confrérie soufi ceremony trance ritual healing

Music Sufi brotherhood  musique de la confrérie soufi ceremony trance ritual healing

The Aissaoua (also spelled Aysawa or Aissawa) is a Sufi religious and mystical brotherhood founded in the 15th century in Meknes, Morocco, by Shaykh Al-Kamil, called the Perfect Master (1465-1526). The brotherhood is known for its nightly rituals and esoteric ceremonies to convey healing powers, notably through the mastery of fire and snakes (the region is home to deadly cobras and many types of venomous vipers) and sought after for their blessings to bring Baraka (spiritual benefits). People participate in their highly symbolic trance-like ceremonies to achieve spiritual growth, express deep emotion (laughter, crying) and to dance with the desire to transcend the ordinary in order to experience something profound and liberating. These communal ceremonies are accompanied by gripping music featuring the resonant ghaita oboe, collective religious chants and recitations, and the drummers’ irresistible beat.

Les Aissaoua (également orthographié Aysawa ou Aïssawa) est une confrérie religieuse et mystique soufie fondée au 15ème siècle à Meknès, au Maroc, par Shaykh Al-Kamil, appelé le Maître Parfait (1465-1526). La confrérie est réputée pour ses rituels nocturnes et ses cérémonies ésotériques leur conférant des pouvoirs de guérison à travers notamment la maîtrise du feu et des serpents (la région abrite des cobras mortels et de nombreux types de vipères très vénimeuses), et est recherchée pour ses bénédictions apportant la baraka (bienfaits spirituels). Les populations participent volontiers à leurs cérémonies initiatrices hautement symboliques pour exprimer des émotion enfouies (rire, pleurer) et pour danser, avec cette recherche de la transcendance pour vivre un moment profond et libérateur. Ces cérémonies de transe communales sont accompagnées d'une musique captivante avec le son plein des improvisations sinueuses du hautbois ghaïta, des chants et des incantations d'hommes, et le rythme hypnothique des percussionnistes.     



  1. Hamdullah! Thanks a lot for sharing this :)

    1. Since you're a Gnawa aficionado, I was thinking about you Lucky. And please feel free to share a rare Gnawa recording you might have for a future post. One can never have too much Baraka you know! Bless

  2. Sorry, not related to this post, but do you have something on Kyrgyzstan?

    1. I do actually from the former USSR. Will listen to this 33 and see if I can post it. Cheers

  3. thanks for starting this amazing blog - just what i need - yet more albums ive never heard of from countries I'll never visit.....the covers and your descriptions are so intoxicating i cant resist....

  4. I actually own this K7. Haven't listened to it in years.

  5. unable to download the flac unfortunately

    1. You're the first person to experience this kind of problem. The Flac has been downloaded many times. I'm afraid I don't know how to help you. Good luck

  6. it's weird, never a problem downloading anything else from this site - thanks for all your work!

  7. Can't wait to hear this one! Much appreciated! Shukran!

  8. This is truly a great read for me. I have bookmarked it and I am looking forward to reading new articles. Keep up the good work!. Free Followers

  9. I have been to Morocco only once and without detailed knowledge how to find such an order,but i go frequently to Turkey to practice Sema (Whirling) and Zikir,so thanks to have an opportunity to this Divine Music!

    1. I also posted Musique de Turquie – ALPHA 5018 which contains wonderful Dervish music and poetry. I plan to post a remarkable Gnawa album from Morocco shortly.
      The fascinating Dervishes, Sufi orders, and Brotherhoods around the world - in Indonesia, Pakistan, Turkey, Iran, the Balkans, the Arab world, West Africa etc. - present a precious timeless and transcendant global spiritual and cultural heritage we must safeguard and cherish. You're fortunate to have found a practice and a community. Bless
