Wednesday, January 10, 2018

YUGOSLAVIA – SERBIA - BOSNIA - CROATIA - MACEDONIA - KOSOVO - MONTENEGRO Muzika I Tradicija – Vol. 1 - Pesme I Igre Naroda Jugoslavije – PGP RTB – LPV 190


Muzika I Tradicija – Vol. 1, Pesme I Igre Naroda Jugoslavije 
PGP RTB – LPV 190 – Recorded by Dragoslav Dević, 1958 (LP).

Traditional music musique traditionnelle folk folklorique Balkans Serbia, Bosnia, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia and Montenegro Serbie Bosnie Croatie Macédoine
Traditional music musique traditionnelle folk folklorique Balkans Serbia, Bosnia, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia and Montenegro Serbie Bosnie Croatie Macédoine
Traditional music musique traditionnelle folk folklorique Balkans Serbia, Bosnia, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia and Montenegro Serbie Bosnie Croatie Macédoine
Traditional music musique traditionnelle folk folklorique Balkans Serbia, Bosnia, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia and Montenegro Serbie Bosnie Croatie Macédoine

Intense, minimal and abstract, the arresting folk music of the Balkans features dissonant vocals and wails, complex rhythms and quirky instrumentals. This wonderful panorama of the traditional music of Yugoslavia—which broke up in 1991—showcases that distinct Balkan sound from the myriad cultures featured on the LP that are now spread across Serbia, Bosnia, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia and Montenegro.

Ethnomusicologist Dragoslav Devic (1925-2017) played a major role in safeguarding these wonderful musics, recordings some 10,000 tracks and collecting over 500 folk musical instruments, now part of the Faculty of Music's collection in Belgrade. 

La musique folklorique des Balkans est intense, épurée et abstraite, avec notamment des chants faits de dissonances et de gémissements, des rythmes complexes et des plages instrumentales déroutantes. Ce disque fascinant offre un large panorama de la musique traditionnelle de Yougoslavie – qui a éclaté en 1991 – avec ce son si caractéristique des Balkans. Les cultures présentées sur ce 33 tours vivent désormais en Serbie, en Bosnie, en Croatie, au Kosovo, en Macédoine et au Monténégro.

L'ethnomusicologue Dragoslav Devic (1925-2017) a joué un rôle majeur dans la sauvegarde de ces merveilleuses musiques en enregistrant quelque 10.000 morceaux et en recueillant plus de 500 instruments de musique folkloriques qui font maintenant partie de la collection de la Faculté de musique de Belgrade.


These icons from Serbia, Macedonia and Kosovo (below) are from Les Icônes by Kurt Weitzmann, Gaiané Alibegasvili, Aneli Volskaya, Gordana Babic, Manolis Chatzidakis, Mikhaïl Alpatov, Teodora Voinescu Fernand Nathan publishing, 1982:


  1. wow you have such amazing finds on yr site. just listed to ivory coast/guinee recording wow thank you thank you.

  2. Hvala ljepo! This looks to good to be missed.
    Glad I discovered your blog.

    1. I'm delighted you like it Ernst. I'll post other great recordings by Dragoslav Devic shortly.

  3. Thank you for sharing about this gem of a record. Any clue if there are any recordings from it online, apart from that one song on your soundcloud?

    1. My pleasure, thanks for your appreciation. To my knowledge there are no other tracks available for listening online.

  4. Muchas gracias por darnos a conocer la música tradicional de otros países, gracias por este trabajo, saludos.
